Oge Egbuonu's Beauty of Becoming Film Transcript

CampaignsBeauty of Becoming
June 2021

a portrait shot of Oge Egbuonua portrait shot of Oge Egbuonu

Oge: Being the creator of the Becoming Series and listening to all the stories that were shared inspired me in ways that at times is truly hard to articulate. Hearing the stories of people that I have known and people that I’m just now getting to know, inspired me by helping me to realize that our struggles are all universal, and that no one starts off great, that you become that through the practices, and the disciplines and the values that you uphold.

There are so many stories that I want to share with the world, and I want to share them through so many various mediums. I want to share their stories particularly of the most marginalized folks. So sharing the stories of queer and trans folks, sharing the stories of black women and young girls, sharing the stories of the disabled community. I just truly want to share stories that aren’t usually told or represented in the media. And I want to tell stories that are rooted in community, that are rooted in love, in a way that we are able to reimagine what’s possible.

Watch Oge Egbuonu’s Beauty of Becoming video below.