Father. Brother. Drag Mother. Sister. Mentor. Friend. Your chosen family is anyone and everyone you want it to be. This year, we created a Pride collection to celebrate togetherness and finding your people. Along the way, we enlisted a skate club, a dance collective and Oakland’s own hardcore band the Younger Lovers to help show that no matter how different others make you feel, you belong.
The hyper-masculine skateboarding culture is changing for the better with the help of the Bay Area Queer Skate Movement, which offers up a safe haven for LGBTQ+ skaters and artists to feel empowered and be themselves.
For the Global Street Dance Collective, dance is a growing movement that brings together individual aspirations and community support. They incorporate artistry and activism into their dance, giving a voice to those who are silenced.
The Young Lovers found a way to break through the punk scene and spread their message of acceptance by supporting each other. With their help, there's a new generation of LGBTQ+ bands popping up in the hardcore and punk scenes.
100% of net proceeds from our Pride collection go to OutRight Action International, working to advance human rights for LGBTQ+ people all over the world.