May 2021

Three different photos of EmmaThree different photos of Emma

EMMA CHAMBERLAIN: There are so many things I love about vintage. It's kind of like you're finding a one of a kind piece when you're buying vintage stuff and you have to treasure hunt a little bit, but also it's sustainable. You're kind of taking care of the planet a little bit when you're vintage shopping or thrift shopping. I probably own 50 pairs of vintage denim. And my collection is constantly growing literally every week.

I am really looking for something different every time. I mean, sometimes I want a nice ripped up pair, a really nice distressed pair, almost seemingly untouched pair, just any pair that speaks to me. And trust me, they do speak to you. Like I will see a pair of vintage Levi's from across the store and I will hear them say, "We're meant to be together." And then I buy them, but I literally buy every pair that I see that even remotely speaks to me.