Close-up of the back of a pair of black jeans.Close-up of the back of a pair of black jeans.


Close-up of the back of a pair of black jeans.
Collage of model wearing black top with light wash jeans, jeans on a clothesline, and a pair of jeans underwater in a river_how_to_wash_and_dry_jeans
Luann Diez sitting with denim
Johnny Wujek working on a denim jacket
A black and white photo of jeans hanging on a clothing line
Three photos, one of a bridge, one of Xiuhtezcatl squatting on the ground and one of a close up shot of the breast pocket of a Levi's button up shirt.
Three photos, the first shows the back pockets of Melati's Levi jean shorts, the second photo is a portrait shot of Melati in a Levi's button up standing with her hands on her hips, and the third photo shows Melati standing in front of the ocean laughing wearing Levi jean shorts and a Levi's button up shirt
Three photos. The first is a zoomed in shot of a Levi's trucker jacket with a world painted on it and the words "Our Furture". The second is a portrait shot of Xiye Bastida wearing a hand painted Levi's Trucker jacket. The third photo is a zoomed in shot showcasing Xiye's unique hand painted trucker jacket that features flowers, a purple pocket, and text that says, "Climate Strike" as well as "Be the Change"
Three photos overlaid on a photo of blue sky. The first photo is a closeup shot of the breast pocket of a Levi's Trucker jacket, the second photo is Marcus Rashford standing in front of a brick building wearing a black hoodie under a Levi's Trucker Jacket and the third photo shows the corner of a simple soccer goal with no net in black and white.
Three photos overlaid on a photo of jeans. The first photo shows the back pocket of Emma's Levi jeans. The second photo is a portrait shot of Emma Chamerlain wearing a striped Levi's shirt and a Levi's brown sherpa trucker. The third photo is a closeup shot of Emma's smiling face.
A pile of Levi jeans
Three images of Jaden Smith in head-to-toe Levi's® clothing. The left image is of the floral design on the back of the long-sleeve cream tee shirt Jaden is wearing. The middle image is a close-up shot of Jaden with a flower on his ear. The right image is of Jaden's jeans.

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