May 2021

Three different photos of HaileyThree different photos of Hailey

HAILEY BIEBER: Really, I feel like my style changes a lot every year, just as I've gotten older, it's changed. My taste has changed a little bit. I'm the type of person with my style where I might see something that someone's wearing and take one little piece of what they were wearing and incorporate it into something totally different.

And I had so much time this year to kind of just really dive into creating vibes for myself. I want to lean in to this vibe a little bit more. I want to try wearing a shoe that I probably would've never liked in the past. I just started trying different things this year.

I've always liked wearing really baggy oversized stuff, because I just enjoy being comfortable. There's something very tomboy about that, baggy jeans, oversized jackets. I love a big coat. I know a lot of people have dragged me about like, "Oh my gosh, that coat is way too big on her," but I think it looks dope.