November 2020

Collage of Micaela Stuart's outfits.Collage of Micaela Stuart's outfits.

When we asked Micaela Stuart to label her style, she came back with “unlabeled.” Touché. Instead, Levi’s® Retail Experience Manager for Europe (part visual merchandiser, part stylist) goes for what makes her feel confident, comfortable and cool — velvet sweatpants, wide-leg denim and lots of layers. This, in her own words, is what she’s wearing.
Two side by side images of Micaela Stuart's outfits at-home.Two side by side images of Micaela Stuart's outfits at-home.

I’d describe my style as eclectic and unlabeled, an extension of my personality. One day I wake up and my mood is classic. The next day, it's funky. I'm very into trends, and I'm the first to try a new thing. On the other hand, I want to have self-expression. And I don’t shop by gender — it’s more important that you look cool and feel confident.

GIF of Micaela Stuart on rollerblades outside.GIF of Micaela Stuart on rollerblades outside.

During lockdown, my velvet sweatpants added some stylish, comfy fun to my day. My first time out after, I was definitely excited about going back to jeans. My favorite pair? Uh...well, I have all of them. Ha! Maybe the High Loose, Ribcage and some 501®s. For now, I’m a high-waisted girl — and whatever is wide-leg, that’s what I’m going to.
Side by side images of Micaela Stuart's outfits.Side by side images of Micaela Stuart's outfits.

Here in Lisbon, summers are pretty hot, so the fun of winter is bringing back layers. I really enjoy mixing up textures and playing with proportions: a long dress and a short Trucker, lace on top of velvet, corduroy with denim. I remember that first day out, it was still summer, but I was like, “Okay, I need some layering.”

My go-to is mixing vintage stuff I find in flea markets and secondhand shops with contemporary pieces from this season. Sustainability is something I always look for, so I’m excited about Levi’s® recycled puffers, WellThread® and SecondHand styles. My clothes need to have meaning behind them. If it's respecting and protecting the planet, I don't mind paying a little bit more.

I think, at the end of the day, you just need to feel good in how you dress. My cousin actually just sent me a picture of 13-year-old me already wearing a Levi’s® T-shirt. I shared in my Instastories like, “Hey, I think I was always living in Levi’s®.”

Family photo of Micaela Stuart with her mother and cousin.